Mission (Im)possible: Solar power for freedom of movement

Meet Soltiq, the first autonomous mobile solar charging station for electric vehicles in the European Union. It can be on top of a mountain or on the coast by the beach. It can withstand wind blows of 150 kilometers per hour and the weight of up to 50 kilograms of snow per square meter. But the key innovation lies in the fact that it does not even require a power grid; it draws energy from the Sun. The price of one charging station is comparable to the price of an average electric vehicle, and it is presented as a solution to the global problems of the lack of infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. They get higher battery capacity and higher charging speed precisely from the solar system, that is, from the energy of the sun. Tomislav Ivanić will tell us how this pioneering venture came about and who was their biggest supporter. It will reveal to us a new world where range is not important, as the Sun becomes the key force for the advancement of electric mobility.