People and the environment before profit!

Member of the European Parliament, Biljana Borzan, has been a staunch advocate for consumer and environmental protection for years. Through her longstanding efforts, Borzan has succeeded in passing legislation that bans built-in obsolescence and introduces durability labels, which are now mandatory at the European Union level. Borzan tirelessly advocates for policies that protect the environment, such as restricting the use of pesticides that endanger bees and banning the incineration of unsold clothing by textile giants. For Borzan, there is no doubt; she emphasizes that politicians must set priorities, and that caring for people and the environment should take precedence over profit concerns. She will reveal to us concrete strategies and projects aimed at further protecting the environment and empowering consumers. Although she has “stepped on toes” for many, she has not wavered in her fight for a just and green future, and her lecture promises an exciting insight into her future plans and actions.