Every Forest has a story…

Get ready for a journey through the enchanting world of forests – places where life is born, and every tree carries a unique story. Functioning as the lungs of our planet, forests provide us with the air we breathe and offer vital resources for approximately 1.6 billion people worldwide. They are crucial for maintaining climate stability, thereby ensuring our survival. From the highlands of Scotland to the deep jungles of Mexico, from the dry forests of Uganda to the mystical “cloud forests” of China, each forest hides a wealth of biodiversity and unique beauty. Over 200 million hectares of forests worldwide proudly bear the FSC certification, guaranteeing their sustainable management and preserving them for future generations. Despite their invaluable contribution, forests face a range of threats, including deforestation, degradation, and natural disasters exacerbated by climate change. Croatia stands out as a beacon in this area, with as much as 74% of certified forests by the FSC. Every step towards forest conservation is not just a step for nature but for ourselves as well. Let this journey through the forests remind us of our connection to nature and inspire us to preserve this precious gift for future generations. See you in the magical world of forests! And if we’re lucky, we might even catch a glimpse of the Smurfs…