The revolution starts with your closet!

Ferragamo, Prada, Miu Miu, Marni are just some of the world’s fashion brands with which fashion designer Marina Spadafora collaborated or still collaborates. However, the fashion industry has a reputation as one of the biggest polluters of the environment: clothing production accounts for as much as 10 percent of total carbon emissions, and greatly depletes water resources and the environment. Doesn’t it then seem like a sustainable industry is an oxymoron? Marina decided to take action and answer the question: In which direction should the textile industry go to participate in the preservation of the planet? She started a new wave of thinking about sustainable fashion and became the most famous ambassador of sustainable fashion. How to reduce the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment? What are the sustainable business models and practices in the fashion industry? How to make this beautiful industry sustainable, learn from Marina and get infected by her inexhaustible energy and achievements in environmental protection.