SHOWDOWN: Crypto is bullshit? No. ESG is bullshit?

In the ring, two heavyweights have come face to face: Crypto and ESG. On one side, there’s Vlaho Hrdalo, a staunch advocate for cryptocurrencies, leading his team of “Blockchain Warriors,” ready to take on any argument and defend the world of crypto. On the other side, Karla Alfier, an expert in the realm of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), leading the army of “Sustainable Sentinels,” who are not content with the widespread euphoria surrounding cryptocurrencies, arguing that the path to a more sustainable future lies in ESG. And how will this battle unfold? Will the crypto advocate step into the ring wielding a range of crypto beliefs and words full of euphoria about how the crypto revolution brings financial freedom to people worldwide? Will Alfier defend her stance with convictions that such “freedom” jeopardizes the environment and consumes enormous amounts of energy for cryptocurrency mining? As the verbal clash unfolds, nobody is certain who will emerge as the victor. Hrdalo and Alfier will exchange arguments, seizing every opportunity to bolster their positions and challenge their opponent. Tension will mount, and the questions they pose to each other will become increasingly provocative, and the debate more dynamic. Through this duel, the audience will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the arguments and perspectives of both sides. The exchange of opinions and reasoned debate may reveal that the truth lies somewhere in between or perhaps not at all. The battle is just beginning, and who will emerge as the winner, you’ll discover in this intriguing duel, and decide for yourself.

Vlaho Hrdalo